Twitch Metas

“Hot tubs, yoga pants, and gamba: Twitch's controversial metas as negotiations of platform culture” —> examines content optimization trends, known on Twitch as “metas," as part of the policymaking process and a flashpoint for the competing interests of creators, audiences, and the platform.

Copyright Callouts

“Copyright callouts: Metacontent as the normative negotiation of platform power” —> analyzes how copyright callout videos on YouTube reveal effects of copyright enforcement and provide a strategy of resistance to content moderation decisions and platform policies (with Blake Hallinan and Omer Rothenstein).

1A Audits

“Paralocal Relationships: Rebuilding Civic Engagement with the Local through Social Media” —> uses the case study of a prolonged clash between First Amendment auditors and the police chief of Leon Valley, Texas to explore how platform-enabled forms of civic engagement extend our understanding of the local.

Unban Requests

“Unban Requests on Twitch as Livestreamed Content Moderation” —> examines the transformation of content moderation into content through the case of “unban requests” adjudicated by livestreamers as a bottom-up strategy for setting and enforcing community standards of behavior on platforms (with Tarleton Gillespie).

YouTube Rewind

“Reflecting the YouTube You Know: Rewinding the Platform Politics of YouTube’s Defunct Yearly Recap” —> a retrospective analysis of the deliberate death of YouTube Rewind as the culmination of a struggle between YouTube’s corporate leadership and its multi-national userbase about who gets to define the culture of a global platform.